REGULAR MEETING – APRIL 9, 2007 – 7:34 P.M.



The Regular Meeting of the Corsica Board of Education was held on Monday, April 9, 2007 at 7:34 p.m. in Classroom A of the high school. 


Members Present:  Don Oakland; President, Jeremy Wright, Bob Bamberg, Rita Rexwinkel, Dick Bordewyk, Vanessa Miiller and Garry Bultje.


Officers Present:  Vern DeGeest, Superintendent; Scott Muckey, Secondary Principal; June Holbeck, Elementary Principal and Merna Bye, Business Manager.


Guest Present:  Joy Blom, Globe Reporter.


President Oakland called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m. and a quorum was present. 


Approve Agenda

Motion by Bultje seconded by Rexwinkel to approve the agenda as presented.  Carried.


Approve Minutes of Meeting

Motion by Wright seconded by Bamberg to approve the minutes of the March 12, 2007 Regular School Board Meeting.  Carried.


March 2007 Financial Statement

Motion by Bultje seconded by Miiller to approve the March 2007 Financial Statement as presented.  Carried.


March 2007 Trust and Agency Report

Motion by Miiller seconded by Rexwinkel to approve the March 2007 Trust and Agency Report with a beginning balance of $8,525.97, disbursements of $4,628.62; receipts of $6,209.15 for an ending balance $10,106.50.  Motion carried.


April 2007 Bills

Bultje moved to pay the bills as listed.  Seconded by Wright and carried.


March 2007 Mid-Central Co-op Minutes

Motion by Miiller seconded by Rexwinkel to approve the March 2007 Mid-Central Minutes.  Carried.


Algebra I Waiver Request

Motion by Miiller seconded by Bultje to approve the Algebra I Waiver Request to the Department of Education to continue to offer Algebra I to 8th graders.  Carried. This is counted as a high school math credit and the waiver has to be presented to the DOE every five years.  




(Regular Meeting Minutes – April 9, 2007 – Page 1)




SDHSAA Membership-Resolution #175

Motion by Bultje seconded by Bamberg to authorize membership in the SDHSAA for 2007-2008.  UPON ROLL CALL VOTE – Wright, Bamberg, Rexwinkel, Miiller, Bultje and Oakland – aye.  (Absent – Bordewyk)  Motion carried.


Summer Driver’s Education

Motion by Wright seconded by Miiller to pay $15.00 per hour for the actual driving instruction for summer 2007 drivers education students.  Carried.


FY 2007 Audit Quotes

Motion by Bultje seconded by Bamberg to obtain Schoenfish and Co. for the FY 07 school audit.  Carried.


High School Parking

Motion by Miiller seconded by Wright to accept the quote from Rexwinkel Concrete for high school parking lot repairs (quote not to exceed $14,310.00).  All aye except Rexwinkel who abstained from voting.  Carried.


Budget/State Aid Preview

Business Manager Bye and Superintendent DeGeest presented estimates on the FY 08 budget/state aid figures.


2007-2008 Contracts

Motion by Bordewyk seconded by Wright to issue 2007-2008 contracts to the following staff at terms and conditions of the 2006-2007 school year pending negotiations.  Those staff listed are: Vern DeGeest, Scott Muckey, June Holbeck, Merna Bye, Sandy Entringer, Steve Entringer, Cindy Gerlach, Jason Broughton, Christina Strid, Wade Gall, Brittney Eide, Mark Joachim, Anita Mohr, Sue DeBoer, Sheryl Muckey, Sharon VanMarel, LaVoy Gerlach, Donna Noteboom, Karla VandenBerge, Mike Nepodal, Lorisa Broughton. Carried.


2007-2008 Classified Staffing

Final determination for the 2007-2008 classified staffing will be complete at the May 2007 meeting.


Competitive Cheer

Motion by Miiller seconded by Rexwinkel to offer on a trail basis, competitive cheer for the 2007-2008 school year.  Carried.


School Owned Treadmill

Leroy and Jodi Blom presented information to the board concerning the status of the school owned treadmill at the Dakota Wellness Center.  Motion by Miiller seconded by Bordewyk to purchase the loaner treadmill for $700.00.  Carried.



Other items discussed were High School Stage Curtain purchase and the trial breakfast program.


(Regular Meeting – April 9, 2007 – Page 2)




Executive Session

At 8:50 p.m., motion by Bultje seconded by Miiller to go into executive session to discuss employee/negotiation concerns.  Carried.  At 9:30 p.m. declared out of executive session by President Oakland.



There being no further business, at 9:32 p.m., motion by Miiller seconded by Bamberg to adjourn.  Carried.  The next regular meeting will be held, Monday, May 14, 2007 – 7:30 p.m. in Classroom “A” of the high school.







































(Regular Meeting – April 9, 2007 – Page 3)