The Regular Meeting of the Corsica Board of Education was held on Monday, July 8, 2013 at 7:33 p.m.  The 2013-2014 Budget Hearing preceded the regular meeting.  With final figures incomplete until the end of August, the budget will be adopted at the September 2013 board meeting. The budget hearing closed at 7:38 p.m.


Board Members Present: Jeremy Wright, Vanessa Miiller, Jason Lagge, Nicole Bamberg and in-coming new  member Kent DeBoer


Board Members Absent:  Bob Bamberg, out-going member Richard Muilenburg, Jared Gerlach


Officers Present:  Vern DeGeest, Superintendent; Scott Muckey, Secondary Principal and Merna Bye, Business Manager.


President Wright called the regular meeting to order at 7:39 p.m. following the 7:33 p.m. budget hearing meeting, and a quorum was established.


Approve Agenda

Motion by Miiller seconded by Nicole Bamberg to approve the agenda with the additions as presented.  Carried.


Approval of Minutes

Motion by Lagge seconded by Miiller to approve the June 10, 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes and the June 20, 2013 Special Meeting Minutes.  Carried.


Approval of Financial Statement

Motion by Nicole Bamberg seconded by Lagge to approve the June 2013 Financial Statement.  Carried.


June 2013 Trust and Agency Report

Motion by Miiller seconded by Lagge to approve the June 2013 Trust and Agency Report with a beginning balance of $9,749.63, disbursements of $309.80 receipts of $2,065.20 for an ending balance of $11,505.03. Carried.  The FY 2013 year end Trust and Agency Report was also presented.


Approval of Bills

Motion by Miiller seconded by Nicole Bamberg to approve the July 2013 listing of bills as presented.  Motion carried.


Contract for Bus Services tabled from June 10, 2013 Meeting

There was no action taken on this item and may be revisited in another year.


Bus Cameras

Motion by Nicole Bamberg seconded by Miiller to purchase bus cameras to be installed on the remaining three buses.  Carried.




(Regular Board Meeting – July 8, 2013 – Page 1)



June 2013 Mid-Central Co-op Minutes

Motion by Bob Bamberg seconded by Miiller to approve the June 2013 Mid-Central Co-op minutes.  Carried.


One Year Board of Education Appointment

Upon the recommendation of the Corsica Board of Education President, motion by Nicole Bamberg seconded by Lagge to appoint Vanessa Miiller to a one-year term on the Corsica Board of Education.  Carried.


Oaths of Office

Incumbent Board Member Jason Lagge and new board member Kent DeBoer signed their oath of office beginning three year terms on the Board of Education.  Vanessa Miiller signed her oath filling a one-year appointment to the board. Jared Gerlach will sign his oath for his three year term at the next board meeting. Business Manager Bye signed an oath of office for FY 2014 fiscal year.


Election of 2013-2014 President

Motion by Miiller to cast a unanimous ballot for Jeremy Wright for Board President for 2013-2014.  Seconded by Lagge and all present voted aye.  Nominations ceased.


Election of 2013-2014 Vice-President

Motion by Miiller to cast a unanimous ballot for  Bob Bamberg for Vice –President for 2013-2014.  Seconded by Lagge and all present voted aye.  Nominations ceased.


2013-2014 Designations

Motion by  Lagge to designate Bank of the West of Corsica, First State Bank of Armour and SD FIT as official depositories;  Merna Bye and Vern DeGeest as custodians of school accounts; Douglas County Publishing as official newspaper and Braley Law Office as the school attorney with Kaufman Law Office being used on some occasions.   Motion seconded by Miiller and carried. The school proceedings are also placed on the schools website.


Official Meeting Dates

Motion by Lagge to set the second Monday of each month as the regular school board meeting dates.  The meeting time will be 7:30 p.m. with Classroom”A” at the high school being used as the regular meeting place.  Motion seconded by Nicole Bamberg and carried.  The school board agendas will be placed on the district website.


School Lunch Agreement

 Lagge  moved to authorize Vern DeGeest to institute the school lunch agreement for 2013-2014 school year.  Seconded by Miiller and carried.


Set Lunch Prices for 2013-2014

This item was tabled until the August 2013 Regular School Board Meeting.


Parliamentary Procedure

Motion by Miiller seconded by Nicole Bamberg to designate Roberts Rules of Order as the parliamentary procedure for school board meetings.  Carried.


(Regular Board Meeting – July 8, 2013 – Page 2)



RESOLUTION #238- Investment of District Funds

Motion by Miiller seconded by Lagge to authorize the business manager to invest and reinvest school funds in an institution, which serves the greatest advantage to the school district.  UPON ROLL CALL VOTE:  Aye – Nicole Bamberg, Lagge, DeBoer, Miiller and Wright

(Bob Bamberg and Gerlach – absent).  Motion carried.


Truancy Officer

 Lagge moved to appoint the Superintendent and Principal as Truancy Officers.  Seconded by Miiller and carried.


School Closings

Motion by Lagge seconded by Nicole Bamberg to designate Superintendent DeGeest who will then use the line-of-authority to close school for emergency situations and inclement weather.  Motion carried.


Kitchen/Gym Rental

Miiller moved seconded by DeBoer to leave the elementary and high school gym and high school kitchen area and commons rent the same as last school year. Carried.


Season Activity Passes

This item was tabled until the August 2013 Regular School Board Meeting.


Student Insurances

Motion by Miiller to provide all students information on the Delta Dental and

 Student Assurance Services and to approve the catastrophic insurances as recommended by the SDHSAA to those who participate in high school activities.  Seconded by Nicole Bamberg               and carried.


Board of Education Policies and Procedures Manuals

Motion by Lagge seconded by DeBoer that the Corsica School District Policy and Procedure Manual and the ASBSD School Board Handbook, the Negotiated Agreements Manual and the Mid-Central Special Education Manual serve as our guidelines and shall be employed by all school personnel. Carried. All manuals are on file and available in the central office. 


Non-Discrimination Policy

Motion by Miiller seconded by DeBoer to approve the district’s Non-Discrimination Policy.  Carried.


School District Assurance Statements

Motion by Lagge seconded by Nicole Bamberg to approve the School District Assurance Statements for the 2013-2014 school year.  Carried.


School Community Improvement Council

Motion by Nicole Bamberg seconded by Lagge to continue with the School Community Improvement Council for the 2013-2014 school year.  Carried.





(Regular Meeting Minutes – July 8, 2013 – Page 3)




Establish Mileage, Room and Meal Rates

Motion by Miiller seconded by Lagge to leave the lodging at single room rate, mileage at state rate and the meal allowance the same at $20.00 per day for 2013-2014 ($5.00 breakfast, $7.00 dinner and $8.00 supper).  Carried.


Health Reform Policy

The business manager presented information used for the determination of the Insurance Reform for Tracking Full-Time Employees under Health Care Reform Act.  Motion by Miiller seconded by Nicole Bamberg to approve the “Play or Pay” Small Group vs. Large Group Tracking Formula and to approve the EBIA Policy (Employee Benefits Insurance of America).  Carried.  A copy of this policy and the method used for tracking can be found in its entirety in the business manager’s office.


Student Handbook and Laptop Handbook for 2013-2014

 The board will review the handbooks and the changes to the handbooks on-line at Any discussion and the approval of the handbooks will be made at the August 2013 Regular Meeting.



Other items discussed were the recent cleaning of the high school gym, update on the progress at the football field, track pole vault pit changes and changes to Senior Math beginning in school year 2013-2014.


Executive Session

At 9:38 p.m. motion by Nicole Bamberg seconded by Miiller to go into executive session to discuss personnel.  Carried.  Declared out of executive session at 10:56 p.m. by the President.



There being no further business, at 10:58 p.m., motion by Miiller to adjourn.  Seconded by Nicole Bamberg and carried.  The next regular meeting will be held Monday, August 12, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. in Classroom A of the high school.





















(Regular Meeting Minutes – July 8, 2013 – Page 4)